Unraed Docs

Documentation for Unraed plugins and projects

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Dialogue Tree: Documentation Pages

Table of Contents

Below you will find links to documentation on the plugin’s important concepts and classes.

Help & Support

You can reach me for questions and support at unraedgames@gmail.com, or on the plugin’s Discord Channel. Feel free to reach out with any questions or requests.

If you’re enjoying the plugin, I would be extremely grateful if you could take a few moments out of your day to leave me a review on the Unreal Marketplace.

If you would like to support further development on the project you can do so on Patreon.com.

Playing & Displaying Dialogue

  1. Dialogue
  2. Dialogue Controller
  3. Dialogue Display Widget
  4. Basic Dialogue Option Widget
  5. Dialogue Speaker Component
  6. Dialogue Speaker Socket
  7. FOnGameplayTagsChanged
  8. FSpeechDetails
  9. Plugin Settings

Dialogue Editor

  1. Dialogue Condition
  2. Dialogue Nodes
  3. Speech Transitions

Queries and Events

  1. Dialogue Event
  2. Dialogue Query

Saving & Misc.

  1. FDialogueNodeVisits
  2. FDialogueRecords