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Dialogue Tree: Dialogue Query

Dialogue Queries are used to retrieve information for use in dialogue. Generally speaking, this is information pulled from the wider world of the game, and it gets used as part of a Dialogue Condition to establish branching logic in dialogue. Custom queries can be created in Blueprint by extending SpeakerQueryBool (for queries that return a boolean value), SpeakerQueryInt (for queries that return an integer value), and SpeakerQueryFloat (for queries that return a double/float value).


  1. Built in Queries
  2. Custom Queries
  3. Helper Functions

1. Built in Queries

Two queries are provided pre-made. These are:

Speaker Found Query

Determines if the dialogue asset has been provided with a Speaker Component for the specified speaking role. Useful for cases where the speaker may or may not be present in dialogue, as attempting to play a speech for a speaker whose component is missing will force exit the dialogue.

Node Visited Query

Checks if the specified node has already been visited in dialogue.

2. Custom Queries

As discussed above, custom queries are made in Blueprint by extending SpeakerQueryBool, SpeakerQueryInt or SpeakerQueryFloat, depending on the desired return type of the query. Note that custom queries must always have a Speaker Component to act upon/through.

Like with dialogue events, any properties created should be fillable via the dialogue editor. When creating a custom query, the user must implement the following methods/events:

Query Speaker (BlueprintImplementableEvent)

Provides the actual logic of querying the speaker. Must be overridden to create an effective Custom Query. Return value depends on the type of query being implemented.

For Speaker Query Bool:

* User specified query. Implemented via blueprint.
* @param InSpeaker - FSpeakerActor, struct containing target speaker component and actor
* @param OtherSpeakers - TArray<FSpeakerActor>, any additional speakers
* @return bool - the value of the query.
bool QuerySpeaker(FSpeakerActorEntry InSpeaker, const TArray<FSpeakerActorEntry>& OtherSpeakers) const;

For Speaker Query Int:

* User specified query. Implemented via blueprint. 
* @param InSpeaker - FSpeakerActor, struct containing target speaker component and actor
* @param OtherSpeakers - TArray<FSpeakerActor>, any additional speakers
* @return int32 - the value of the query. 
int32 QuerySpeaker(FSpeakerActorEntry InSpeaker, const TArray<FSpeakerActorEntry>& OtherSpeakers) const;

For Speaker Query Float:

* User specified query. Implemented via blueprint.
* @param InSpeaker - FSpeakerActor, struct containing target speaker component and actor
* @param OtherSpeakers - TArray<FSpeakerActor>, any additional speakers
* @return double - the value of the query.
double QuerySpeaker(FSpeakerActorEntry InSpeaker, const TArray<FSpeakerActorEntry>& OtherSpeakers) const;

Is Valid Speaker Query (BlueprintNativeEvent)

Can be overridden to specify conditions the Query needs to satisfy in order to compile. Useful when using variables that can have a null value; allows you to require these to be filled in order to compile the dialogue. Simply returns true if not overridden.

* User defineable function to check if the query is valid. 
* @return bool - True if valid according to terms user sets. False 
* otherwise.
bool IsValidSpeakerQuery() const;

Get Graph Description (BlueprintNativeEvent)

Retrieves the display text for the query in the dialogue editor. Failing to override this method will result in the class name being used instead.

* Retrieves the text to display for the query in the graph editor. Should
* be implemented by the user as a blueprint native event. 
FText GetGraphDescription() const;

Helper Functions

The following functions are useful helpers when working with queries.

Get Speaker Socket (BlueprintCallable)

Retrieves the primary target speaker socket for the query.

* Fetches the dialogue query's speaker socket.
* @return UDialogueSpeakerSocket* - the socket.
UDialogueSpeakerSocket* GetSpeakerSocket() const;

Get Additional Speaker Sockets (BlueprintCallable)

Retrieves any additional target speakers supplied for the query.

* Retrieves the list of optional additional speaker sockets for the query.
* @return TArray<UDialogueSpeakerSocket*> - the list of optional additional
* speakers.
TArray<UDialogueSpeakerSocket*> GetAdditionalSpeakerSockets() const;