Unraed Docs

Documentation for Unraed plugins and projects

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What is Unraed Games?


That would be me. Who’s me? Well, my name is Zach. I recently graduated with my Master’s in Software Development. I studied History before that, but the wicked spirits of curiosity lured me over to the dark arts of computer programming and software engineering, so here we are.

After getting my Master’s, I was left feeling like I had all this great theoretical knowledge, but less practical experience than I would like. So I decided to take on a self-imposed capstone: making a real application and leveraging a large professional code-base to do it. Long story short, I settled on making a dialogue editor plugin for the Unreal Engine.

That turned out to be a much bigger project than I expected, but well worth the effort. When it was done, I decided to put the plugin out there for other people to use. Hence the need for a documentation site.

Dialogue Tree is largely up and running, with a number of smaller convenience features still on their way. I’m also dabbling in a handful of other projects which may eventually make their way to these docs.

What is an “Unraed?”

That would be me. Okay, well not really.

“Unraed” is an Old English word meaning “poorly counseled.” It comes to us by way of Aethelred the Unready, the only king of all England to have his country conquered out from under him by vikings, not once, but twice. And, before you ask, yes it was his fault. You would not believe how much his fault it was.

His name (Aethelred) meant “noble counsel” so the chroniclers joked that he was “Aethelred Unraed.” Essentially, “noble counsel, poorly counseled.”

This has been your history lesson for the day. You’re welcome.
